Series Results

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Date Event Placing Time Gap Class Class Placing
20/02/2021 King/Queen Bay Nelson King-Queen Bay Nelson 32nd 2h 39m 27s +53m 7s Female 7th
15/02/2020 King/Queen Bay Nelson King-Queen Bay Nelson 48th 2h 46m 42s +55m 20s Open Female 9th
26/01/2019 King/Queen Bay Nelson King-Queen Bay Nelson 20th 3h 5m 40s +1h 13m 55s Queen 8th
08/12/2018 Rasdex Waimak Classic - Main Event RWC Main 56th 4h 14m 58s +40m 50s F-Open 22-39 7th
10/09/2017 Ruamahanga River-28km Ruamahanga 8th 2h 8m 58s +11m 33s Open (18-39) - Female 3rd
28/02/2017 Kupe Twilight: 28 Feb 2017 Round the Fountian with a little extra 20th 46m 15s +8m 29s Male 19th
21/02/2017 Kupe Twilight: 21 Feb 2017 4 Long Laps 12th 41m 19s +8m 14s Female 2nd
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